Working together towards a hunger free British Columbia

Food Banks BC is the provincial association of food banks. Our membership is comprised of over 100 hunger relief agencies throughout British Columbia.
We support our members and other agencies through the provision of resources that assist their efforts to tackle hunger in communities they represent. This is achieved through the distribution of food and financial donations, providing access to training and capacity building programs, networking opportunities, and as a representative voice to speak to the needs of food banks as well as the hundreds of thousands of British Columbians who face ongoing food insecurity.
The role of Food Banks BC has significantly expanded in recent years. We are working with an increasing number of donors, government agencies, non-profits, and other stakeholders, and through this expanding network, we are broadening the scale and scope of our work, and reaching more people than ever before. Beyond our membership, we work with numerous agencies that specialize in providing food access support to equity-deserving groups, including racialized populations, refugees, Indigenous communities, seniors, and migrant workers.
The work of hunger relief is critical and it’s the immediate priority we all share.
Looking forward, we need to shift from hunger relief to systems change. Upstream solutions that seek to reduce and, eventually, eliminate the need for charitable food. Food Banks BC is committed to supporting the need to for urgent hunger relief services now, while taking the necessary actions to eliminate the need for these services altogether and working towards a hunger-free British Columbia.
Food Banks BC is a member of Food Banks Canada.
Who we are and what we do
Vision + Mission
Our Vision
A hunger-free British Columbia
Our Mission
To relieve hunger today and prevent hunger tomorrow for all British Columbians
Click here to view our Strategic Plan.

Our Values

We are honourable, inclusive, respectful, and trustworthy
We see and respect the inherent value and worth of every British Columbian
We are accountable to our members and transparent in our dealings with all stakeholders
We share and work with our stakeholders and each other collaboratively towards common goals
We advocate for and believe in equitable access to food for all British Columbians
We adapt and respond appropriately to changing conditions with timeliness, flexibility, and innovation
Spirit of Giving Award
As the Provincial Association of food banks in British Columbia, we see countless acts of kindness and
generosity through the work of our member agencies and those who support their cause. So much of this goes unnoticed, so we want to acknowledge the contributions of these everyday superheroes.
Launched in 2022, the Food Banks BC Spirit of Giving Award is an annual award that recognizes the significant contributions of individuals and community partners who have demonstrated their commitment to supporting food banks or hunger relief in British Columbia.

Community Partner Award Recipients
BC Liquor Distribution Branch
Susan Byrom - First West Credit Union
Anne Penman - CBC
Agency and Individual Award Recipients
The Salvation Army Penticton
Sandra Cascaden - St. Joseph's Food Bank
Lillian - Kamloops Food Bank